Utility Catcher® Clip
The Utility Catcher® clip is a versatile catch-all for a variety of tools and PPE items. Originally designed as an easy and convenient way to keep up with a hard hat when not in use, the Utility Catcher® clip is actually a multipurpose clip that can be used to keep up with tools or other PPE items.
Now made with a keyhole, the Utility Catcher® clip can be worn on a belt, hung on a wall or slid on a grid wall!
perfect for
• Hard hats
• Face shields
• Extension cords
• Ear muffs
• Welding strikers
Want to know more? Check out our Learning Center to see all the different ways you can use the Utility Catcher® Clip.
How to order
Please contact your preferred safety supplier with the desired part number to order or obtain a price quote. If you aren’t able to find a supplier or don’t have one in your area, please contact us, safety@gloveguard.com and we will find one for you.